Thursday, November 28, 2019

Quotas For American Businesses Create Racial Discrimination Essays

Quotas for American businesses Create Racial Discrimination Politics is assuming command of the American economy in the form of pervasive equal opportunity enforcement. In today's society, everyone is supposed to be equal and have equal rights, but in employment, there is more discrimination than ever. American citizens need to do away with affirmative action so that America's job opportunities can once again be based on merit, not skin color or ethnicity. Laws have been passed, quotas have been established, and seemingly, everything has been done to prevent discrimination, but rather than ending discrimination, these new laws and quotas have begun to discriminate against a new group of people?the qualified white male. America is known as the land of opportunity. The general theory is that if you work hard enough and you are the most qualified person to receive a job, you get it, but that is no longer the case. Now, in order to be employed, qualifications do not always matter as much as the color of a person's skin or his ethnicity.In dealing with this subject, the first question that is always asked is, What is wrong with quotas? What is wrong with companies hiring a variety of blacks, Hispanics, women, and white males? The problem is not with hiring a variety of people from different ethnic groups. The problem begins when the person who is best qualified for a job, loses the position to someone less qualified. Many voices say that quotas are used to right the past wrongs when so many minority groups were discriminated against, but even immigrants, if they belong to one of the Maldonado2 protected classes are eligible for quota preferences. Leslie Spencer and Peter Brimelow, sociological researchers who have thoroughly researched the quota system, said that since immigrants can also receive quota preferences, it is a pretty clear indication that quotas are not about righting past wrong, but about political power. (n. pag.) Just as socialism has collapsed around the globe, the leading capitalist power has adapted a peculiarly American form of Neosocialism putting politics (and lawyers) in command of its workplace albeit on the pretext of equality rather than efficiency. This problem is only becoming worse because America has the most far reaching equal employment laws found anywhere in the world. (Counting Costs)Many companies are afraid of these laws, and the fear of political punishment makes quotas very hard to research. A Kmart executive told a researcher, We're not letting you anywhere near our program. (Brimelow 77) Companies go beyond what is required just to avoid legal trouble. The manager of corporate employment status at Xerox, a company that uses quotas, states, We have a process that we call 'balanced work force'. In Xerox, everyone understands that, and it is measurable by its goals and relative numbers. That is the hard business, that is what people do not like to deal with, but we do it all the time. (Brimelow and Spencer n. pag.) Sears, Roebuck and Co. spent fifteen years and twenty million dollars to defeat an EECO discrimination suit. Sears prevailed mainly because they were able to show proof of a voluntary quota program. Many companies cling to programs such as these as a future defense in court even if it means putting up with some unqualified or incompetent workers. (Brimelow 77) Not only is affirmative action hurting white males, it is also causing problems Maldonado3 among the protected classes that it is supposed to be helping. Many of these people feel that it is an insult that the government thinks they need special help to compete in the job market. Yet others would be extremely offended if this help was taken away from them. Black Police Chief Clarence Harmon was once in favor of affirmative action until he realized the affect that it has on his race. He has said that when he was going through school, he enjoyed competing and keeping up with his white counterparts, but he now realizes that many times in the police academy black students use affirmative action as a crutch. Black students have been found to score lower on tests than white students. Harmon believes that this is because they do not think that they have to work as hard which produces less qualified black officers. (Glastris 43)Karl Marx insisted that for any sort of class consciousness to arise, there must be com-munication of a common sense of oppression, but no one can feel this sense of oppression. With the mass media rarely recognizing quotas, much less portraying white

Existentialism And Theatre Essays (549 words) - Philosophy Of Life

Existentialism And Theatre Existentialism and Theatre Existentialism is a concept that became popular during the second World War in France, and just after it. French playrights have often used the stage to express their views, and these views came to surface even during a Nazi occupation. Bernard Shaw got his play Saint Joan past the German censors because it appeared to be very Anti-British. French audiences however immediately understood the real meaning of the play, and replaced the British with the Germans. Those sorts of hidden meanings were common throughout the period so that plays would be able to pass censorship. Existentialism proposes that man is full of anxiety and despair with no meaning in his life, just simply existing, until he made decisive choice about his own future. That is the way to achieve dignity as a human being. Existentialists felt that adopting a social or political cause was one way of giving purpose to a life. Sartre is well known for the Theatre engage or Theatre 'committed', which is supposedly committed to social and/or political action. One of the major playwrights during this period was Jean-Paul Sartre. Sartre had been imprisoned in Germany in 1940 but managed to escape, and become one of the leaders of the Existential movement. Other popular playwrights were Albert Camus, and Jean Anouilh. Just like Anouilh, Camus accidentally became the spokesman for the French Underground when he wrote his famous essay, Le Mythe de Sisyphe or The Myth of Sisyphus. Sisyphus was the man condemned by the gods to roll a rock to the top of a mountain, only to have it roll back down again. For Camus, this related heavily to everyday life, and he saw Sisyphus an absurd hero, with a pointless existence. Camus felt that it was necessary to wonder what the meaning of life was, and that the human being longed for some sense of clarity in the world, since if the world were clear, art would not exist. The Myth of Sisyphus became a prototype for existentialism in the theatre, and eventually The Theatre of the Absurd. Right after the Second World War, Paris became the theatre capital of the west, and popularized a new form of surrealistic theatre called Theatre of the Absurd. Many historians contribute the sudden popularity of absurdism in France to the gruesome revelations of gas chambers and war atrocities coming out of Germany after the war. The main idea of The Theatre of the Absurd was to point out man's helplessness and pointless existence in a world without purpose. As Richard Coe described it It is the freedom of the slave to crawl east along the deck of a boat going west. Two of the most popular playwrights of this time include Samuel Beckett, who's most famous piece was Waiting for Godot, and Eugene Ioensco with Exit the King. Most absurdist plays have no logical plot. The absence of the plot pushes an emphasis on proving the pointless existence of man. Quite often, such plays reveal the human condition at it's absolute worst. Absurdist playwrites often used such techniques as symbolism, mime, the circus, and the commedia dell'arte, which are quite evident in the more popular plays of the time, such as Waiting for Godot, The Bald Prima Donna, and Amedee. Philosophy Essays

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Budgets Cuts and Their Negative Effect on School Essays

Budgets Cuts and Their Negative Effect on School Essays Budgets Cuts and Their Negative Effect on School Essay Budgets Cuts and Their Negative Effect on School Essay Essay Topic: College application Zone One BUdget Budget Cuts Affect School Education Negatively By Jose Valdez English Composition 10/15/12 Everybody has their own hopes and dreams, which being having a stable job or being the next Neil Armstrong this is becoming is less likely thanks to the budget cuts to educations. If budgets cuts continue our dreams wont be chosen but pre-determent brought by the limitation of education. How do we know the student being limited education won’t be the next president? Budgets cuts are affecting schools nationwide. Starting early is a key element in a student’s development in their education and studies and will pre set how well they can understand and complete tasks. Since doing mathematical equations or learning about our past presidents is not equally as fun as playing video games is tend to be hard to keep students interested. Since technology is advancing in a fast pace is easier to make learning fun and twice as evident. Since everything cost money the budget cuts don’t allow this methods to be tested or use which leaving student to just to glide thru elementary not learning how beneficial and fun education can be and show them how dreaming can pay off. Besides budget cuts teaching is pointless to dream it has made countless of school close mostly elementary since according to Budget And Policy Priorities more than two thirds of the states are providing each student with the amount they provided in 2008 which is about 250 dollars per student, per year. So each student is receiving about 200 or so per year which is not enough which means another student funding is being use which put the second student who’s fun is being use for the other student with less money for their education which is leaving a never ending domino effect. No wonder school are closing they don’t have enough money to support their current student or the future student leaving students with no school or just putting their dreams on hold. Not only that but since more schools are closing, school lunches and breakfast may be the only meals for some of these student and since there is no school there is no meal for the student who really need them. So budget cuts are not only taken away student’s dreams but their meals as well. Is sad how politicians prefer to fill their pockets instead of kid’s stomach Who ever were lucky to have gone elementary and graduate has the privilege to fight for a spot in middle school. Since budget cuts limit space and class sizes in schools now in days it has become more of a warzone during registration and anxious parents hopping to get a spot for their children and not having to come back next year leaving their kids to lose the knowledge they gain and maybe their only meal. Knowledge is like a pencil if it’s not sharpens once in a while it looses its point. For the lucky few who get a spot now will have to suffer threw class sizes of 40 or more students. With bigger size classes it has become harder for them to get help from their teacher since the teacher has to divide their attention equally to 40 or more students. Leaving the student with unanswered question and which may lead the student not understanding the material. Since there varieties of ways to get help with school work most of them been cut like tutors due to school budgets leaving students unattended and to fend for them self. Budget cuts not only affect students but teacher as well because like grading papers was not hard enough imagine grading 40 or more students papers which lead to teachers to be behind schedule and not letting them advance in their teachings which in the student suffer since they don’t learn. Since now students have 6 classes now they will have to have 6 different textbooks and thanks to budget cuts most students will only get one copy which will be use for school and home they will have to carry with them everyday. Textbook that may be up to date or miss dated or miss treated. Imagine the strain they poor backs must suffer all thanks that budget cuts wont allow them to have a copy of the book in class. Budget cuts are forcing students to not only to learn on their own but as well to carry largely heavy books that may really hurt their backs. After most students have finish middle which seems more like home school than a regular middle school they will have they will have to go threw the same process that they went thru middle school registration. Since the main focus for high school is to get high school student ready for college. Which mean teaching student what classes they need to take, what requirement is needed to attend certain colleges. The basic each future college attendee should know. Since budget cuts have limit or cut college prep classes most student go thru high school not knowing how to go to college and for most those classes can be the difference of graduating or not graduating. Since budgets cuts are taking away not only the college prep classes but as well as excellent teachers’ we have un experience teachers teaching classes they have no experience on. Which miss lead student to false or little information. Thanks as well budget cuts has cut the school year by almost one month forcing teacher to shove lectures down student throats and making students swallow the teaching whole with out no time to chew or process all the info there being fed and they ask why we do so poorly on test. The budget cuts has force education to be taught in an inefficient way, which is shown on our test scores, which affect the student for a better chance at a college of their choice, which only will limit their dreams and hopes. After student go thru the pain of college application and waiting thru the pain and hopping the budget has not taking a toll in there chance of getting into the college of there dreams . Which seems more and more are not getting to their desire college because they where unprepared mentally or finically which is all thanks to budget cuts. Since most don’t get to the college of their dreams they will have to go with their back up plan being junior college or trade school. Which work for other but not the plan they hope for. If school was not expensive enough for student who does attend a Cal State or UC they always have the fear of intuition always going up which again is thanks again to the budget cuts. Since most student depend on financial aid to help them pay thru school most of the student are receiving less on less of finial aid and more and more student loans. For which most student is okay since in the end its worth it but t the point of college is to get student started to the carrier of their dream how are they suppose to do that when they have students loan breathing behind their backs. Most students can just hope to fins a job to start paying off their loans as soon as possible which most do find and which most don’t. According to Washington Post 1 out of 2 college graduates are under paid or are underplayed so meaning it will take longer for them to pay their students loans or will some will have them for live. When most student think the nightmare of struggling for classes and learning is over they go to college to see students fighting for classes. The states are higher in for classes since one class can mean the difference from graduating or having to put your future until the needed class is available. Thanks to budget cuts limiting how many of each certain class there can be really has put many college students dreams into hold. Since most people think all students are the same and don’t think don’t school is realy important maybe the school budget cuts funding can be places some where else where they were really appreciate being back into the communities. Which little do they know helping student will benefit the community twice as much. As a student I’m affected by the budget cuts, as a student I cant understand the pain of other student go thru thanks to the budget cuts who. I lived thru the warzone of registration, the mass of classes of students I had to sit by an Thanks to budget cuts it has force to change when I will retire when I can have a stable job or future. It has changed how much I will have to pay since now I see now matter how much of a stable of a job I will have will never be a stable job since I will be paying a debt that maybe will take a life time to pay off. I will always told school was affordable but was I lied to or thanks to budget it has made our schools and teachers to liars. Since students loans has its limit it has force me to get a full time job to help pay for school. Which has made a big strain on me since I barely get any sleep. Budget cuts don’t only affect your pocket put your health, budgets cuts has become a disease that is out of control and if we don’t but a stop to it more student will suffer like I am. I have to little sister who are in elementary in a few years they will be going to middle school, then high school and so on. I don’t want them to go thru fighting for a spot in classes or seeing their hope and dreams crush or put on hold since some greedy politicians find having big pockets are more important than students future. Budget cuts it’s a disease that affects student hope and dreams. They force student to learn own their own and affect their help being by getting no sleep or carrying heavy books. Forcing them to work hours to pay for school since school should be a reward for their hard work. Budget will force school grounds to be a warzone one day since most student will have to start fighting for there future which is shouldn’t be that way every student should have the equal opportunity as any student to try to build there hope and dreams and how far they go will be up to them. How do we know thank to budget cuts we denied the next best president to be born or the person who will find the cure for cancer show his idea to make a world a better place. Budget cuts don’t only affect student but the future of the world and the economy. Citations Education funding drops in more than half of states. (2012, September 5). Huff Post. Klein, A. (1992, August 18). Federal Education Cuts . Education Wee, pp. 5-5. Hope, Y. (2012, April 22). In Weak Job Market, One In Two College Graduates Are     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jobless Or Underemployed. Huff Post. Center on BUdget and Policy Prioreties. (2012, September 4). New school year     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  brings more cuts in state funding for schools [Editorial]. Retrieved from     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Center on Budget and Policy Prioreties website: cbpp. org/cms/     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  index. cfm? fa=viewamp;id=3825

Deaf Dance - The School for the Deaf essays

Deaf Dance - The School for the Deaf essays Imagine feeling music instead of hearing it. Imagine knowing each beat, each quarter note, each word without ever hearing a sound (Griver). Could you dance in time, in rhythm to a song if you've never heard it? The thought seems nearly impossible for those who have their hearing. I have most of my hearing, and I could never do any of this. I blame it on an inner ear problem that affects my balance, but I truly think that some people are gifted in various arts. There are people out there that were meant to dance, as luck would have it, they ended up deaf, but they were still meant to dance. In the early years, an interpreter was provided for signed translation of music during school productions. Later, a song was requested which did not lend itself to a sign language interpretation (Johnson). Instead, it was danced, and a new art form was born. Inspired by a vision of integration between deaf and hearing cultures, it uses visual language, the basis of deaf culture, and fuses that with expressive dance and live music (The Company). Almost every School for the Deaf has a dance program. The only ones that don't are only because of budget dilemmas. Gallaudet University is the most famous of deaf institutions. The story of Gallaudet Dance Company begins in 1955 when Dr. Peter Wisher, a professor in the Department of Physical Education, observed a student signing "The Lord's Prayer" during a campus ceremony. Impressed by the beauty and movement of the signs, he saw the possibility of using signs as a foundation for dance movement. He invited interested students to a meeting to explore this possibility. At first, this was not a performing company but rather a recreational activity. Students got together two or three times a week for an hour of fun and social enjoyment. Word of the club spread, and the group began to be asked to perform- both on and off campus (Hottendorf). Besides, what is Dance anyway? It is an art form ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Immigration as a political and social cleavage in France Essay

Immigration as a political and social cleavage in France - Essay Example For many years, France has been home to many immigrants. The immigrants came from all over the world. It is only until recently that most newcomers in France came from other European countries. Initially, the migratory stream in France mainly composed of African Arabs and more recently black Africans from French former colonies in West Africa and the Caribbean. There are also Turks, Lebanese, and Asian immigrants (Wade 47). More notably is a group of Muslim immigrants from former French colonies. The number of Muslim immigrants in France is high to the extent that France has Western Europe’s largest Islamic population. The influx of immigrants in France has resulted in the rise of a new conflict in the nation. The conflict has led to riots and changes in laws related to the French history, culture, religion and language. Many people in French believe that the influx of immigrants will erase the identity of France as a nation especially the influence of Muslims. Religious conflicts arise due to the high number of Muslim immigrants. The religious-related conflicts have resulted in riots in many urban centers in France and tensions in Paris, Roma and other places (Angelique 1). Most of the immigrants have different ethnic backgrounds and cultures. The high numbers of these immigrants in France threaten the native ethnic composition, culture and language of the French people. The entrance of new cultures and ethnicity has threatened the local culture. Consequently, the French immigration minister launched a great debate to determine the future of France at a time when France was experiencing a high nu mber of immigrants (Nicolas 1). However, there was opposition to these national debates on immigration. Cultural cohabitation from the immigrants has increased the tension as the nation is falling into a crisis of national identity. The effects of immigrants from North Africa has

Compare a commercial film with an auteur film (from the 2000s) Essay

Compare a commercial film with an auteur film (from the 2000s) - Essay Example The events in the while movie spout from this origin as Bruce goes through intense pain and mastery of fear in order to survive the high rate of crime in Gotham City. The same ways, Leonard goes through pain and fear after the death of his wife and undertakes to seek revenge. He goes through tough times, disappointment as he feels the efforts by the police are unfruitful and becomes very frustrated. Just like Bruce, Leonard suffers when seeking revenge as he suffers memory loss and this impedes his struggle to avenge for his wife. Eventually, he gets redemption as he kills the man who killed his wife. This paper seeks to compare the commercial film with an auteur film by focusing on â€Å"Dark knight† and â€Å"memento† both of which are directed by Nolan. â€Å"The Dark Knight† is a commercial film that turned out to be a gigantic blockbuster. The movie was based on a compelling comic book. The movies is set in medias res and revolves around, economic, social and political issues. The setting of the movie is very naturalistic to mirror the society and make the audience identify with the characters. The movie is set in the basement of Gotham police station in an interrogation room. The police station is a reflection of the police dramas and real police stations as he police offices have a desk with lots of files, records and desks. On the other hand, the interrogation room is isolated, grimy and dingy and only contains to chairs, a single metallic table and a lamp. This contrast is sued to show the harsh reality of crime life and to educate the audience of the luxury of freedom. The use of lighting is also important in enhancing the setting of this film. At the beginning of the film, the in interrogation room is very dark and t he joker is shown in a rather dim light that tends to alter his image. On the other hand, the face of Commissioner Gordon is not seen clearly as

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Macro forces analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Macro forces analysis - Research Paper Example Investment in Kenya provides the investor with a chance to access the other east African countries due to Kenya’s strategic location (Njuguna). The research starts with a preview of factors that have lend to Kenya as my choice, followed by a study of Kenya’s cultural, economic and political trends and also an analysis of its technological and competitive position in the international markets. This analysis ends with a recommendation of the investment opportunities in Kenya. Since 1963, Kenya has managed to maintain a diversified economy where the private sector plays a major role (Njuguna). Despite some periods of tension the country has not resulted to civil war or massive intervention in its economy. In the recent past various reforms have taken place including review of public private partnerships meant to attract investors, setting up of a competitive and transparent privatization programme and formulation of vision 2030 to guide Kenya’s investment through a clear outline of government plan for the economy and the requirements, benefits of partnerships (Linda). A number of factors make Kenya a strategic country for investment among many nations. These factors range from its location, availability of labour, favourable government policies, availability of raw materials for industries, availability of affiliate services, political stability, a favourable social structure and a high level of economic growth (Otieno). Kenya is currently at 57.1 on economic freedom making it 111th freest economy according to 2014 index. This score is 1.2 points higher than 2013 with notable improvements in labour freedom, monetary freedom and trade freedom. Measures have been implemented to financial management and efficiency. Kenya’s location is strategic due to its direct access to Indian Ocean that is endowed with a beautiful and extensive natural harbour at along its coast. This is the

There is an ongoing debate on the use of capital punishment. Discuss Essay - 1

There is an ongoing debate on the use of capital punishment. Discuss the social, moral and historical aspects of this controversial topic - Essay Example religious leaders, and foreign press make quite a spectacle of how the Throughout the world legal systems regularly sentences people to die for the crimes they have committed. As such, many nations around the globe view the death penalty as something of a novelty (Debrevnik, 2004). From a purely economic standpoint, capital punishment is an extraordinarily expensive form of punishment. As compared with life in prison, the average cost of execution is approximately the same cost to keep a prisoner housed and fed for over 100 years (Petersen & Lynch, 2012). Currently, the average cost of execution in California exceeds 4 million dollars per criminal executed. Comparatively, the average cost to keep a prisoner housed and fed as well as ensuring proper health care and medicine usually does not exceed $35,000 per year (Semeshenko et al, 2012). At such an exorbitantly high expense, it is clear that choosing capital punishment on the grounds that killing the criminal will somehow save the state money over time is entirely illogical. As such, the argument for execution does not hinge on economic savings; instead, it hinges upon the Judeo-Christian belief of â€Å"an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth†. In this way, the major supporters of the death penalty believe that certain crimes are so heinous that rehabilitation is not possible. As such, one’s life is forfeit for certain crimes if convicted. This further raises the tangential issue of the purpose of prison; whether it is it to rehabilitate or to punish. According to death penalty activists, prison’s primary objective is to punish with rehabilitation being a very distant second. A secondary issue with the death penalty in its current form is that they death penalty has been proven not to be a significant deterrent against the crimes it punishes. It is obvious that murder rates throughout the world are comparably higher than almost any other nation that currently does not have the death penalty as

Monday, November 18, 2019

Chinese Economy Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Chinese Economy Master - Case Study Example Or is that true Chinese market for instance, has rolled out from the planned economy to a free market economy to a degree retaining its own planned model in the core of the change. At this level, the impact of the planned economy and the change that it has brought into China has been impressive1. This paper targets to present both the sides of the market economies. An analysis has been done at the end of presenting the pros and cons of both the free market as well as the planned economies. Planned economies have been the 'successful' economies of the yesteryears. The Russian, the Chinese economy before the changes in the economy all were adopting the centrally planned economy. This had typically, the people at the centre of the entire plan. Whether it is agriculture or the industry, the state was the centre of all action. Large scale investments were done by the state to ensure that the progress was continuous. Planned economies target was to bring parity among the communities and the individuals. The individuals yielded place to communities. The planning was for the communities and the individual was not considered for economical study. However, the individual formed the major part of their plan for the future. Education and the individual development was a part of the community target to ensure that the growth continued to exist. While there was a rap... The positive aspects of the plan were that there was an overall education to all the citizens of the community. Planned economies could forge large scale projects that could not otherwise be conceived. The same way, the state could embark on global scale projects that would reduce the cost of production and at the same time could contain the inflation rate in the country as well. Another major advantage is that the equality of the people in front of law was also realised. This made the entire process attractive to the common man. Fallout of Planned Economies Planned economies had the following shortcomings: 1. Over a period of time the entire process became very corrupt and could not maintain the commitment for community. 2. Planned economies had to think out all the possible factors that could bring about the changes in the economic status. The numbers of factors were so large that it is almost impossible to relate every one of them. This results in the failure of the plan and hence the commitment of the people in the work. 3. Planned economics were in existence in many of the countries. Both in the case of democracies like India and in the case of the left leaning governments in the case of China. In both the cases, the development anticipated was not obtained as in the case of market economy. Most of the countries therefore, are migrating to the market economy structure instead of staying with the planned economy. 4. Though they are moving to a market economy, many of them stay with a phased withdrawal of the planned economy. This has resulted in these countries, including China, having a market economy as well as partially planned economy which helps the country to consolidate and migrate to the new economic pattern without much

Causes of a Problem of Haier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 11

Causes of a Problem of Haier - Essay Example These systems were very successful regarding the Chinese culture of management but since the company wants to increase its global installed base there is a question on how it is going to achieve it by following the same human resource management practices. These are the following: increase of employee internal competition by implementing an internal ranking of employees. Employees are judged by all performance dimensions and they have to complete their tasks the same day and have continuous self-assessments. Each employee is almost an independent profit center so entrepreneurship is developed. Managers are also continuously appraised like employees and both are given chances to improve their performance by providing abundant training. A talent pool inside the company is also created. Haier has followed a product diversification strategy i.e. it has expanded to 86 different product categories. It is doubtful if Haier can pursue the same following strategy since product expansion requires heavy investment. Then the second part of its strategy was product innovation to niche markets i.e. developing products for specific market segments. Under careful consideration, this is a strategy that can be pursued at the current moment. Globalization which is the third component of the strategy is expanding to other countries in all aspects i.e. production, alliances etc. Globalization can also be limited for the time being since it requires heavy financial investment when it comes to building new factory sites that can be quite risky at this period of time. Globalization demands also understanding foreign cultures so it requires further research on this issue. The fourth component was marketing initiatives that emphasized product quality and market research.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Strategic Management and Leadership at Tesco

Strategic Management and Leadership at Tesco Introduction: To increase the competitiveness of every business unit corporate leaders implemented and adapted one of the best way called Strategic Planning in the mid 1960s. Strategic planning is a combination of long term process taken step by step of its action to produce best instructions in terms of its drivers may not get wrong strategy (Mintzberg,1994). Background: Tesco is the UKs most successful and high profile supermarket and one of the worlds leading international retailers. Tesco was founded by Jack Cohen at east London in 1919. The name came about after Jack Cohen bought a shipment of tea from T.S. Stockwell. He made new labels using the first three letters of the suppliers name (TES), and the first two letters of his surname (CO), forming the word TESCO ( Tesco is the market leader of the supermarket industry in UK with revenue of  £38.558 billion including VAT and  £62.537 billion of revenue worldwide in 2010 ( Even in this recession Tesco has made an incredible  £3.4 billion profit worldwide this year ( Task 1: understand the external environment affecting the organisation 1.1: Importance of external factors affecting TESCO PESTEL analysis: A PESTLE analysis for Tesco must consider all the important external factors impacting on the company. These factors may have political, economic, sociological, technological, legal or environmental dimensions. Tescos operations obviously have a significant environmental impact, from fossil fuel use to packaging issues. Reducing the demand on the planet is a challenge for any big company. Tesco must look at all the six factors we have mentioned, which are discussed below: Political: The increase numbers of political instability can affect the business by the Democratic government, political legislation. Economic: rate of inflation, interest rate, competition demand, employment level, income level Sociological: population demographics ,Lifestle, pattern of social interection, Religion, Believes, Norms Technological: Level of skilled Manpower, Transportation. legal: Employment laws, Consumers protection laws, investments laws and Health Safety laws (Class lecture). Environmental: climate change is affecting supply and transport, how can Tesco adapt (Class lecture). 1.2 The needs and expectations of stakeholders in TESCO Stakeholder analysis: Stakeholder analysis is the document information is provided for the key stakeholders Names and organisation, their role in the project, their level of interest within the company, their influence in the individual project and suggestion for managing relationship among each stakeholder Schwalbe (2007). Stake holder is person or group of people who have legitimate interest in the company and who have direct and indirect communication to the company. Stakeholder analysis system Tesco can apply to know the needs and expectations of stakeholders in Tesco. Organisation Customer Supplier Employees and Managers Government Media TESCO external relationship with TESCO Connected relationship with Tesco Who have internal relationship with Tesco Who is externally linked with Tesco Who have external relationship with Tesco Role in the project Who buy their shopping from TESCO Supply the product to Tesco Who work for Tesco Who impose the VAT, Taxes, rent and rate etc Supply the information to customer about Tesco Product. Unique fact Quite demanding for quality of product Requires on time payment for supplies To be treated fairly and getting promotion Government regulation is obeyed by Tesco Quality of product available for Customer Interest Personal Value for money Timely payment Continuity of businesses Personal Job security Career opportunity Employment for community Taxation Adherence to regulation Protection of public interest Informational to target audience Level of influence Very high level of Influence Moderate level of influence High level of influence High level of influence Low level of influence (Modified form of Stakeholder Analysis) 1.3: Analyse the major change taking place in the external environment and how they would affect the strategic decision in Tesco. Tesco as one of the multinational retail supermarket is undergoing a major Economic change in the external environment. It has identified the Economic change of its market extension in Asia despite the Economic down turn. Tesco has identified the Asian supermarket as a long term opportunities for them. It has been continuing the investment in Asian market through the Economic downturn to make sure that Tesco will be in an even stronger position as the recession recover. As the market extension plan increasing Tesco has its plan of open 4.9 m square ft in this year (including shopping mall) across the region. The segment of external environment plan across Asia is explained below (Tesco China: Tesco has the plan to base the foundation of its market in China for long term growth. It has already opened 17 hypermarkets including three Lifespace shopping centres in deferent cities. It has also the plan of opening 23 hypermarkets in 2010 / 11 in the financial year in which 9 will be lifespace shopping mall (Tesco Economic factors: Economy in China are getting stronger and stronger day by day as the all developed countries are moving to China to invest as that countrys Economic environment growing up. As the China is the world most populist country in the but the unemployment rate in that country are comparatively low than any other developing country. The inflation rates are getting lower and lower as the economy getting faster. Political factors: China is a communist country but the political environment and the situation is very stable. China has legislated its countrys government legal and policy as to be comfortable for foreign investor. Technological factor: China has the most updated Technology in the world. It has the infrastructure of providing the sensitive technology to the rest of the world. As all the supermarkets buy the latest technology for their company from china so the Tesco can better implement the technology in China. Task 2: Review the existing business plans and strategies in Tesco 2.1: Using appropriate tools to analyse the effect of current business plan in Tesco The appropriate tools of analysing the current business plan are to do SWOT analysis and BCG Matrix analysis for Tesco. SWOT analysis is to know what Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats Tesco have in order to run the current business. BCG matrix analysis helps Tesco to develop appropriate strategies for each product. 2.1.1. SWOT Analysis: Strength: Tesco is the largest Supermarket chain in the UK (4811 outlets) Tesco has very strong brand name and financially powerful It has more than 90 years of service sector history (established 1919) It has grew up through acquisition It is third largest retailer in the world. Better use of technology and marketing Weaknesses: It is potentially would be difficult for Tesco to focus in single market for specialisation as it is entering numbers of different markets. Diversification into unrelated and less experience businesses (e.g. Insurance). Unclear environmental policies High dependency on UK domestic market. Opportunities: Strategic alliance with other company which is good opportunity for Tesco. Market extension is one of the conducive opportunity for Tesco Joint venture can bring good opportunity for Tesco. is online shopping site for Tesco can be attractive for Tesco. Threats: Intensive competition in the UK with Sainsburys, Marks Spencer and Morrisons, ASDA Government Cut and increases in Tax will have retrospective effect on Tesco Finances organ Customer is always the big threats for Tesco 2.1.2. BCG Matrix analysis: The BCG Matrix Star Computer games Financial products (credit cards and insurance) Question Mark? Or Problem child Tesco Mobile Cash Cow Fresh produce Groceries/wine fashion Dog Saucer crisp packaging High Market growth rate Low High Low Relative Market share Star: Tesco is a Star with high market share and high market growth retail industry. It is because Tesco has the potentiality of generating significant income. Tesco is investing more money to attain maximum benefit of being a Star. Cash cow: Tesco could be considered as a cash cow with high market share but high market share. Because its Distributions, Quality and extra service to the consumer and equipped with new innovation product in the UK. It has to maintain the current strategy and the existing market activities. Question mark: Tesco is definitely not the question mark. Because of the Tesco financial service, Tesco insurance and the Tesco Mobile has not yet have the maturity in the market. Dog: Tesco can be considered as a Dog in that case of removing the idol product from the Market. 2.2. Review the position of Tesco in its current market: Reviews the current market position of Tesco is the best process of evaluating its present performance in the market and identify the market share and market growth. Tesco market position Chart: Retail market position Tesco: The given chart shows Tesco has 30.3% of present market Sainsburys: Sainsbury has total 16.5% of present market. Asda: The given chart shows Asda has 16.9% of current market share. Morrison: Morrison has 12.3% of current market position Waitrose: Waitrose has 4.4% of present market position. Others: the combined market position of Aldi, Netto,and Lidl stood at 18.6% (wall street journal,2011) 2.3. Evaluate the competitive strengths and weakness of Tesco current business strategies 2.3.1. Competitive strengths: Tesco is the largest Supermarket chain in the UK Tesco has very strong brand name and financially powerful It has more than 90 years of service sector history It has grew up through accusations Tesco represent in 4811 locations It is third largest retailer in the world. Better use of technology and marketing The largest retailer in the world after Wal-Mart and Carrefour. Performing its operation in 13 countries worldwide Strongly committed for corporate social responsibility. It has been famous for Food, Drinks, Clothing, Electronics, Financial services, Telecom, Home insurance and for Tesco fuel (Tesco SWOT analysis, 2010). 2.3.2 Competitive Weakness: Customer is big threats for Tesco. Environmental disaster can bring the business down like-snow fall, volcanoes etc. It is potentially would be difficult for Tesco to focus in single market for specialisation as it is entering numbers of different markets. Lack of experience in insurance and phone market may be destructive for their business. It has very high transportation cost Vast amount of fuel used for transportation which not friendly to the environment Most dependency on UK markets can be risky in the case of market down turn. Tesco position in of high price product can reduce the revenue in the competitive market (Tesco SWOT analysis, 2011) 2.3.3 Evaluate the effectiveness in Tesco: Tesco as one of the multinational supermarket in the UK has its Strength is very competitive and constructive against the competitors. Tesco has enriched its strengths to be competitive in the market. Tesco has the strategy to implement the strength in the wider field. It has mainly identified and selected the strengths for expansion its markets internationally. Tesco has its weaknesses very little comparing to the strengths. The effectiveness of the Tesco weaknesses is to transform them into potential strengths. Tesco has the weakness is to identify them and focus to avoid the potential risk which may arise. Task 3: Developing options for strategic planning for Tesco 3.1: Using modelling tools to develop strategic options for Tesco Porter generic strategy has been identified the appropriate strategy for developing strategic options. According to porter Competitive strategy is the search for favourable competitive position in the industry, which can erode or improve depending on a firms choice of strategy. (Porter, 1980). It has identified four conceptual steps which is indented to identify the competitive advantages in the business performance (Eldring, 2009). Porter Generic strategies Cost leadership Differentiation Cost focus Differentiation Focus Broad scope Narrow scope Source of Competitive Advantage 3.1.1. Cost leadership: Tesco has the attempted to become the low cost producer in the retail industry in order to accumulate highest t profit by setting a standard product price. It has the strategy to focus on low cost leadership strategy in every activity and invest the extra profit into the Market. 3.1.2 Differentiation: Although Tesco follows the cost leadership strategy but it is price sensitive and responsible for quality product. 3.1.3. Cost focus: Tesco as the UK largest supermarket retailer do not follow the cost focus or niche market strategy. 3.1.4. Differentiation focus: Tesco as one the biggest supermarket in the UK has differentiation focus strategy of identifying the segmented market among the competitors to remain reliable and competitive. 3.2. Developing a comparative understanding of activity from Tesco in the market According to Laura lake A positioning map, is a useful tool for planning your position relative to your competitors position. It helps you map key attributes of you and your competitors product, service or business. A basic positioning map containing a graph that has two points: one being high quality and other opposite site of the graph representing low quality. Rank yourself and your competitors on the graph based on the perception of the consumers (Lake, 2009). A consumer positioning map is a tool which is intended to identify the position of a brand in the market and rank the company by the market place it has in the market. Consumer Position Map High Product Quality Premium brand Bargaining Brand Sainsburys Tesco Asda, Waitrose High cost Low cost Cowboy Brand Economy Brand Marks Spencer Ice land, Lidl, Aldi. Co-operative Low product quality Tesco Market position 3.3. Create options to form the basic future Tesco strategy Creating options to form the basic future Tesco strategy could be Ansoff Matrix. Tesco as one of the giant supermarket in the UK has remained highly competitive with the competitors. Tesco corporate Strategy has made us to understand the reason of being most high profile supermarket chain in the UK and one of the worlds leading international retailer. Ansoff Matrix to analyse Tesco future Strategy Ansoff Matrix for Tesco Current New Market Penetration UK core retail market Product Development Non-food retail market like Tesco Mobile, Insurance, Cloths, Tesco fuel. Market Development International retail market Like Asia, Europe, United States Diversification Non -food retail market (organically and non-organic diversification) Current New Source: Tesco corporate Strategy 2010 Task 4.Develop a strategic plan for the organisation 4.1 A suitable structure that would ensure participation of all stakeholders in Tesco. Stakeholder analysis and stakeholder is suitable structure that would ensure participation of all stakeholders in Tesco. Stakeholder Mapping Level of interest Low High A GOVERNMENT B SUPPLIERS C CUSTOMER D INVESTOR Low Power High Government: Government has low level of interest by the change Tesco brought into service. Suppliers: Investor who put the money in Tesco has high level of interest by the change has happened. Customer: Customer has low level of interest of what Tesco has brought the change. Investors: Supplier as internal stake holder has high level of interest of what change has brought into Tesco. Stakeholder analysis: Stakeholders are those people who have legitimate interest in Tesco. There are six steps of analysing the stakeholder in Tesco. Those steps are Step 1.Identify stakeholders: Identifying the stakeholders is the first step of analysing the stakeholder in Tesco. The stakeholders are in Tesco is Customers, suppliers, Buyers, Employees Managers, Community, Government, and Media. Step 2.Prioritise Stakeholder: Prioritise the stakeholders in Tesco according to their attribution is very important element of bring the development in Tesco. It is an effective process of gradual involvement. Step 3.Develop an engagement strategy: One of the important element of stakeholder analysis is to develop an engagement strategy of stakeholders with Tesco. It brings the commitments and individual duties belong to individual into practice. The methods of involvement could be: Meetings, presentations, Group facilitation, Delegating, develop and share a change plan. Step 4.Map their profile: Mapping their profile according to their level of influence and Level of interest is significant element of analysing stakeholder profile. Step 5.Optimise their support: Stakeholder analysis is the effective way of involving Stakeholders into direct and indirect approach of Tesco activities. Optimising their support means, the support is provided by stakeholder is to utilise them in the best possible way. Utilise the support of stakeholders resources. Step 6.Monitor changes: Changes may come according to the demand of time. It is vital to monitor the changes may come potentially. 4.2 Develop criteria for reviewing potential options for strategy plan Developing the criteria for strategic management plan is a form of various sources. The reviewing options are to identify the effect of management strategy in Tesco. The options consist of Attractiveness to stakeholder: The criteria that involve the stakeholder must have the attractiveness to the stakeholder. It should reserve the interest of Stakeholder and to be attractive to them Feasibility studies: Tesco has Human resource management of 472,000 people work for Tesco. It has got Technological approach of applying the self service till and online shopping service for the consumer. Effects on Market position and share: The criterion of making the potential options for strategic plan is to assess the effect on present market position (30.3%) and the share it has. Risk assessment: The option for strategy plan is to identify the potential risk and assess it properly which may arise anytime during the strategic plan. Cost benefit analysis: Commercial Cost benefit analysis is a process of measuring, comparing and identifying the commercial cost that involve the investment in return of benefit in Tesco. 4.3. Construct an agreed strategic plan that includes resource implication: Construct an agreed strategic plan that includes SOSTAC. This can be applied to identify the resource implication. SOSTAC stands for S- Situational, O- Objectives, S- Strategy, T- Tactics, A- Application, C- Control. Among all the meaning of SOSTAC Application could be used for an agreed strategic plan that includes resource implication. Tesco resource implication Activities 2011 2012 Budget Research(cut the cost of living) Reward(share to be given to staff) Outlets(in china) Community Environment Jan June July Dec Jan June July Dec  £200 millions  £98 millions  £170 millions  £7 millions . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. Source: Task 5.Examining factors Tesco strategy plan: 5.1 Compare core organisational values with current business objectives of Tesco. Tesco as a most successful high profile supermarket retailer in the UK and one of the worlds leading international retailer has generated its core organisational value with its current business objectives. Ethical value with objectives: Tesco as the one of the giant supermarket has very strong Ethical value with its stakeholder. It has 91% of suppliers around the world say Tesco treat them with respect. It has the plan of roll out ethical trading incentives schemes and Trading fairly Awards to two further product categories in the UK as key performance indicators for 2011( Cultural value with objectives: Tesco as most successful supermarket has the objectives of creating a beautiful place to work for everyone. Tesco has 19% of board directors are women. Developing more local leaders in each country remains a key priority ( Environmental value with objectives: Tesco has more accountability of practising environmental issue. It is very responsible on environmental impact. It has got the plan of reducing carbon dioxide emission 5.5% compared to 2009. It has set up a target of become zero carbon business by 2050(Tesco 5.2 Develop appropriate mission and vision statement of Tesco: Tesco mission statement: Treat the customers as the best way they can be. Tesco vision statement: Tesco must go with the statement of Every Little Helps. It has come through the massive amount of simply selling Groceries to Tesco extra where possible everything is available for customer. As we are growing up internationally we should remain focus of earning the lifelong loyalty as representing local. 5.3 Producing agreed future Management objectives for Tesco: Tesco future management objectives Tesco to be no 1 as a international retailer within 10 years To have 60% of the UK core business by next 5 years To be successful in non-food as successful in food.( Mobile, Insurance, electronics ) by 2015 To be recognised by community of what we do by regular contribution within next 5 years. Objectives with SMART: Tesco should implement the objectives with SMART. The SMART stands for Specific: Tesco management future objectives should be based on Specification of what Tesco need to do. Measurable: Appropriate measure must be taken in order to implement the objectives. Achievable: The objectives must be based on the potentiality of being achieved. Realistic: To avoid the unprecedented acts Tesco must place its objective on realistic. Time based: To be competitive in the market locally and internationally Tesco must utilise the objectives on time and should have proper time frame. Strategy: To be competitive in the market place Tesco need to follow the porter five forces. 5.4 Develop measures for evaluating a strategic plan: Tesco as one of the multinational high profile supermarket need to develop some measures for evaluating strategic plan. The evaluation of strategic plan is to be placed on specific elements. The strategic plan for Tesco: The area of strategic plan is consist of Environment, Communities, The responsibility of buying and selling products, Healthy choice for consumer, employees and managers. Items Descriptions Duration Environment Carbon dioxide emission to reduce By 2020 30% and 100% by 2050 Community Tesco need to work for the local community to involve them with Tesco In the relative time consume. Faire trade Healthy choice Job Tesco need to be 100% fair trade in the market Tesco need to provide more healthier food for customer Tesco need to employ more women at the high level position for not being discriminated In the comparative market time By next five years By 2015 Environment: Tesco as responsible supermarket need to broaden the climate change strategy by focusing reducing in the chain of supply by 30% by 2020. It also needs to reduce the emission of distribution network chain by 10% compared to last year. Community: Tescos community programme needs to carry out in locally in deferent culture in deferent country in order to benefit by the local people while experiencing the international. Tesco need to have a strategy Fair Trade Model when buying and selling the products. Healthy Choice for customer: To carry out the policy of providing healthy choice Tesco need to impose a strict rule of selling Alcohol. It should focus on encouraging customer to eat more healthy food in order to avoid the risk of bad and embarrassing health. To make Tesco level place for everyone it need to ensure that women are in the better represented at senior level wherever Tesco operate. It also needs to employ more local leader as a key importance. 6.2: Create appropriate dissemination process to get commitment from the stakeholder in Tesco. To get the commitment from customer and retain them with the organisation Tesco need to apply appropriate process of making effective communication to the customer. The effective dissemination processes are discussed below. Through Media: To make a positive and productive communication with Stakeholder Tesco can contact by media with to get their feedback to be more commitment with them. Newspapers: In order to make the effective communication with stakeholder Newspapers in one of the appropriate process of making them involved with Tesco. Tesco can regularly supply the information to stakeholder and let them know what is the contribution is kept by them. 6.3: Design monitoring and evaluate systems for the implementation of the strategic plan in Tesco: Strategic plan: Strategic plan that includes SOSTAC. This can be applied to identify the resource implication. SOSTAC stands for S- Situational, O- Objectives, S- Strategy, T- Tactics, A- Application, C- Control. Among all the meaning of SOSTAC Application could be used for an agreed strategic plan that includes resource implication. The strategic plan of SOSTAC is the effective plan that Tesco Can apply. Monitoring evaluating system: Monitoring and evaluating the system is discussed below. There are many types of monitoring system. Which are. Goal based Evaluation: In order to implement the strategic plan set up a goal based on evaluation in Tesco. Goal base evaluation is a conducive way of monitor the progress when the implementations are taking place. Outcome based evaluation: when the implementations are taking place check out the outcome of the progress is very important way of implementing the strategic plan Regular reports: Set up a monitoring team those will submit the report on regular based to identify whether the Strategic plan are taking place or not. Meetings: The meetings may take place on regular based between the coalition teams to know how the implementation are taking place and the results of meetings can help to develop the expected Strategic plan. Conclusion: In order to remain in the market place implementing and analysing of the strategic plan is very important for Tesco to adapt. The strategic plan is the continuous and gradual approaches of applying in to the company. Tesco as one of the most successful international retailer it should follow the strategic plan to be more competitive among the rivals.

Psycho 1960 Alfred Hitchcock | Analysis

Psycho 1960 Alfred Hitchcock | Analysis Psycho, directed by Alfred Hitchcock was considered one of the scariest films of its time. Created in 1960 it broke the conventions of film shocking audiences, leaving it rated X, now rated at 15 people of today wouldnt understand the shock factor it had in the 60s but is instead seen as a classic and a great horror film for the conventions it broke for all films. Psycho: The best horror film of all time is the headline of a recent article on the Guardian website proving that still in 2010, 50 years on that its still considered the greatest. Horror as a genre holds many codes and conventions of its own that psycho portrays for example the big house in the middle of nowhere and obviously the rain. Things like this are aimed to create fear, to deal with things from nightmares, to elicit suspense, which was the aim for Hitchcocks films. Psycho was Hitchcocks first horror film and from then on hes been known as the master of suspense. He was the creator of the MacGuffin, something that drives the story, he used sharp violins to create suspense, while the audience let their own minds create the rest. In this essay I plan to deconstruct two scenes from the film, looking at the Mise-en-scene and mise-en-shot. Mise-en-scene being everything in front of the camera that creates the scene, Hitchcock only puts something in shot if it meant something. Mise-en shot-being the opposite everything behind the scenes the camera work that helps create the emotion in Hitchcock films, the construction of the shots. Opening scene The opening scene begins with the credits criss-crossing in a pattern with the images mirroring, which could be seen as foreshadowing the schizophrenic personality of Norman Bates. A wide panning shot establishes the surroundings being a city and the audience see the exact time of day( 2:43pm). The camera zooms into a room window the blinds are drawn and the camera sneaks in as if it were a peeping tom. The characters in the room, Marion and Sam, are obviously hiding something having the blinds drawn in the middle of the day and the audience sneaking in makes them a part of the secret. Once in the room we see Marion laid on the bed half naked which was unheard of in films of the 60s let alone being in the room with a half-naked man that she isnt married too. Even the implication of sex was a taboo in films. Marion brings up the subject of marriage whilst in his embrace. The camera shot is a close up as if we are a part of the situation. When he doesnt give her the answer she was looking for her body language changes, as does the camera angle. She is giving him the cold shoulder as does the audience, which shows Marion as the main character, that we are on her side. He gives in and tells her what she wants to hear not before leaving the guilt trip on her because of how emasculated he felt. The camera angles represent the distance and emotion between the characters. Sam begins to moan about his lack of money and mentions his Ex-wife as opening the blinds and looking out as if to look for her, trying to find reasons not to get married. The camera is pulled out again showing the characters relationship troubles. We know Marion wants to marry Sam and would do anything for it to be possible. The Parlour scene Marion is in her hotel room waiting for Norman when she hears arguing between Norman and his mother. She becomes concerned as Norman comes down looking nervous and stuttering. He doesnt want to enter Marions room for fear of upsetting his mother he even found it difficult showing her around the room because he feels uncomfortable with being alone in a room with her, especially showing her the bathroom which he cant even say because its even more uncomfortable being in a room where people are naked. He suggests going to the parlour where he feels more comfortable using the excuse of warmth, all the time the camera stays mainly at mid shots perhaps showing how uncomfortable he is. The room is filled with stuffed birds of prey as if he has her in his trap, as if she is his prey. The conversation is small; his weird nervous comments are seen as small talk and not all threatening. He comes across as lonely when he brings up his hobby of taxidermy, which explains the mass of birds Well, its, its more than a hobby. A hobbys supposed to pass the time, not fill it, and a boys best friend is his mother proving he has no friends. The conversation stays conventional and each character is framed by medium shots. As the subject of his mother becomes a bigger topic he leans forward as if on the edge of his seat. Norman explains how he resents his mother and would like nothing more than to just leave her, but he cant because shes ill. The camera angle is now to the side and just below Norman r evealing and owl in the striking position as if he is the prey this time, he is captured by his mother. The atmosphere becomes very defensive when Marion suggests sending his mother to a home. The camera closes in on Normans face showing his reaction he becomes short and snappy describing a mental home as if hes been there before or as if he is afraid of it. He doesnt feel she deserves to be in a home, stating she is harmless But shes harmless! Shes as harmless as one of those stuffed birds! giving the audience a foreshadowing that shes actually a corpse. The camera angle becomes less intense in the change of subject when Marion wants to return to her room, Norman stays sitting when she gets up to leave as if it will make her stay, he wants to stay in her company. Marion slips up when Norman asks her name again telling him where shes going and her real name rather than the one she wrote in the logbook. He asked her these questions just as she was leaving as if he knew she was lying. A more sinister look comes across Normans face when he realises hes been lied too; he knows his mother wouldnt like it and would think she was a trouble maker. As Norman leaves the parlour to go back and tend to his mother we see the change happening like something switches in his head. In conclusion we see how important mise-en-scene and mise-en-shot is in every aspect of the film; Hitchcock uses camera angles to depict emotion in all of his characters, wide shots to show cold emotions, close intense shots to show anger and low angles to show vulnerability. Also Hitchcock proves that it doesn t have to be the same MacGuffin to push the story along throughout the film as Marion is killed early on. Psycho is the proof that horror doesnt just have to be gore and blood its more psychological than that.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Reality Vs. Fantasy Essay -- essays research papers

Renà © Descartes, author of â€Å"Meditation 1†, writes how he must erase everything he had ever learned and thought to be true and must â€Å"begin again from the first foundations† (222). One may ask how Descartes came to this conclusion. The answer is that of he â€Å"realized how many were the false opinions that in [his] youth [he] took to be true, and thus how doubtful were all the things that [he] subsequently built upon these opinions† (222). This change was to take place at the perfect time in Descartes life however, he wasted much time waiting for that moment Descartes decided to simply let go of it. He started questioning everything he ever believed in. Descartes raised one specific question: How does one justify being awake from dreaming? He gives an example stating â€Å"that I am here, clothed in my dressing gown, seated at the fireplace, when in fact I am lying undressed between he blankets!† (222). Descartes describes how a dream may feel so real, one might actually think their dream is in fact reality. He goes on further saying â€Å"plainly that there are no definite signs to distinguish being awake from being asleep that I am quite astonished, and this astonishment almost convinces me that I am sleeping† (222). This all lead to Descartes coming up with a theory that â€Å"perhaps we do not even have these hands, or any such body at all† (223). He started questioning the existence of God as well, wondering whether or not he existed or if the heavens and earth were actuall...

Essay --

Child beauty pageants have changed so much since the 1960’s. Children beauty pageants used to be about the children and having fun. Now, it seems like most children are being forced in these pageants by their parents, looking unnoticeable from all the heavy makeup they wear, fake hair, teeth and nails they use. Children being abuse, sexualize, having self-esteem problems etc in these pageants. Many people have questioned this sport and wonder if it should be ban? In this paper, I have augured and provided facts and information on why children beauty pageants should be ban. Children Beauty Pageants Should Be Ban Seeing children as small as 0-month old to 12 years old in beautiful dresses, showing off their talents and competing to win cash and tiaras may seem cute. Today many mothers are taking the pageants to a completely different level. Do you think dressing a three year old as a prostitute for a movie theme pageant is appropriate? No, it is completely inappropriate and that is exactly what Wendy Dickey did to her three-year-old daughter Paisley Dickey in a film theme beauty pageant on TLC’s â€Å"Toddlers and Tiaras†. Wendy thought by dressing her daughter as a prostitute like Julia Roberts character in Pretty Woman was going to â€Å"wow† the judges but just created controversy all over. Children beauty pageants may seem to be cute, but today it is a concern among many people on whether children beauty pageants should be ban because of what goes on in the pageant world that we do not see and the outcome and future of these children. When beauty pageants became a part of the American society in 1920, it also became a marketing tool. In 1921, in the state of New Jersey, in Atlantic City beauty pageants were used to make tourist stay... pageants is that their parents wants fame. On one of TLC’s hit show â€Å"Toddlers and Tiaras†, there was an episode about a girl name Alan Thompson. Alan was new to the beauty pageant world, from being on that show and competed in a beauty pageant on the show the network gave Alan and her family a spin-off show which we all know â€Å"Here Comes Honey Boo Boo†. Here comes Honey Boo Boo is the top rated show on TLC as of right now. Alan and her family is famous now and since getting her own reality show and recognition she have not compete in any more beauty pageants. When you think about it if she really loved doing beauty pageants and was passionate about it she would still be doing it. I think her mother exploited her daughter in the beauty pageant world so she can get fame and money. I personally find that disgusting because I see it as selling your child for money.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Research Study on Gender Bias in Education

Gender Biases in Education: Math Nicole S. Tester Bryant University Abstract This research project conducted was to find out whether women were more affected by gender based expectations than men. This was done by giving both young men and young women a simple standardized math test which most likely they had all been taught and exposed to in the past. This particular test was designed to be at or below the performance level of most college students. There was two versions of the test instructions, with one version providing information about men typically outperforming women on the test, and the other version stating the opposite.These instructions were used as a form of deception to prove my hypothesis. My hypothesis was that women would be more affected by this deception than would the men. My results proved otherwise. Results showed there was little difference in the way the women and men performed on these tests on either version. The ANOVA testing showed these clear results. Do es Performance Reflect Success? Gender biases are present in the American culture. Women are put in a stereotype as the one to stay at home cleaning and cooking while men are believed to have to bring home the paychecks. How we live though is not the only area with gender biases.There are biases when it comes to sports, who can do what jobs and even education. Women are believed to be better at the education aspects having to do with words and comprehension while men are believed to be better at numbers or math. In the research world there is much controversy on whether the bias presented is true or not. Researchers have not been able to support this belief or disregard it due to the many conflicting results. A study done with the purpose of determining whether gender expectations still exist in present time, resulted in the idea that more and more genders are becoming equal in education (Jordan 2008).It was found that both sexes are more likely than ever to complete their high scho ol education and even be able to obtain higher degree. The study also showed the gender gap in scores on the National Association of Education Progress becoming more and more narrow over time. Jordan does not refute the idea of gender bias in education but supported the idea that it is diminishing. These two researchers on the other hand, Fisher (2008) and Johnston (2005), have studies supporting their beliefs that gender biases in teaching are simply a myth.Both constructed research to support the idea that neither females nor males perform differently according to gender expectation or that these gender expectations are implemented at all. Fisher more, specifically, researching in math and Johnston in math and education. Chapman (2012) and Goetz (1996) though, both have studies that seem to prove otherwise. Chapman conducted a study, in Canada, which lead to the belief that gender discrepancies in teaching and education focus more positively on females. Chapman believes males are the ones taking losses in education expectancies.Goetz on the other hand, researched and came up with results which led him to believe American educators focus their attention more on males allowing them a positive advantage. After learning so much from previous research it can be accurately inferred that the gender bias in education does exist. A psychologist, Ghandi (2006) stated in his study the truth behind the bias. He used this truth to conduct a study in which he found that women not only believe the bias but are subject to it when they are told they will fail due to their gender.This particular study is what laid down the foundation for my research study. All of the above researchers knew the biased existed and all tried to support it or disprove it. This research project has one purpose; to find out not if gender biases exist but whether women are affected by these gender based expectations more than men. In many colleges and universities women are very comfortable with the ir gender; they are powerful, and successful. There are clubs devoted to women’s sexuality, success, and even fashion senses.There are awards given to women who have gotten superior grades, been offered great jobs, or are simply a success. Knowing this, what I want to learn is whether these women who are so highly praised and allowed the same success as men are still subjects to gender based expectations, more specifically in learning and education. In my study I will be deceiving the participants into thinking that only women will be successful in this study or to another group I will be saying only men will be successful. The way this will be done is by using simple high school level math tests. Before he test I will be falsely informing half of my participants (equal number of females and males) that only men will pass this test, and then I will repeat this with the other half of my participants but falsely informing them of the opposite. The fact that I will play on women ’s vulnerability will allow me to learn whether these very empowered and successful women will still be so after being told they will fail before even trying. My hypothesis is that these women will be affected by such a statistic and depending on the false statistic they get, they will fulfill it. Methods ParticipantsForty eight undergraduate volunteers (24 males and 24 females) from Bryant University took part in this study. The average age of participants was recorded at 20. 22 years (SD=1. 13). No cultural or ethnic backgrounds were recorded. With help from different psychology professors a general description was given out within psychology classes and volunteers were recruited. To these participants in particular extra credit was allotted. The rest of the participants were recruited through word of mouth and e-mail in which they were once again given a general description of the study and asked whether they would be willing to volunteer.Each participant was tested indivi dually and required approximately 15 minutes to complete study. Materials The study consisted of participants completing a standardized math test, four survey questions, and a deceptive article which can all be found in the appendix. The math test was found in an SAT math test practice site. This math test worked as the channel for the dependent variable (result on the test). The survey questions asked were simply used for collecting information. The questions did not ask sensitive information or anything that would put any participant at risk.Finally, the short article was written by myself and is completely fictional. It falsely informed the participants on information regarding SAT tests and reported false statistics on men outperforming women for half of the studies and the opposite for the other half. This was used as the deception part of the research which inconspicuously provided the participant with the independent variable (whether females or males pass this test) Procedur es Forty eight students were recruited (24 females and 24 males) from Bryant University as the participants of my study.They were all recruited through psychology classes in which Professors gave a brief overview of what my study entailed and from there proceeded to recruit. The participants recruited in such a manner were rewarded with extra credit points in their class. The rest of the participants were recruited through word of mouth and group e-mails. With each participant recruited I have a brief explanation of what the study was comprised of, what it entailed, and more specifically what each participant would have to contribute. Once I recruited all participants which were necessary I began the research itself.At the start of their participation, each participant was handed a consent for in which they were asked to read thoroughly and if they agreed to the terms and conditions they were to sign and date. In the consent form participants were informed of their ability to leave the study at any time, their entitlement to any information and debriefing, on the confidentiality of the study and many more safety factors. To show the validity of the form I signed and dated on the same page each participant did right in front of them.Each participant agreed to the consent form allowing the study to continue. Once the consent form process was finished I would hand each participant the study packet. At this point they were told that each study was to be completed alone. The packet started off with an article which was entirely false and used to deceive each participant. On it there was made up information on the performance of genders on the SAT test throughout the past years. Each participant was informed that they would not be able to continue with the packet if they did not read these instructions.Once the instructions were read each participant could continue to the next section which consisted of the survey questions. These questions were purely used to colle ct data for analysis. Once the second part was completed each participant would continue on to the math portion of this study. The math portion of the test was a high school level standardized math test previously tested by college level participants. Each participant completed the math portion and would come to me to hand it in. when each individual would approach me I made sure to let them know the true nature of the study and informed them of the deceit.It was very important that no participant left the study with the false idea of one gender outperforming the other. I made sure each participant was thoroughly debriefed and had any questions they had answered. Results The data were analyzed using an ANOVA with the alpha level set at . 05. The main effect of gender participation was not significant, ? (1,44)=. 12, p=. 73, ? 2=. 003 and the main effect of gender test taking was not significant, ? (1,44)=. 00, p=1. 0, ? 2=. 00. However, the interaction between the gender participati on and gender test was marginally significant, ? (1,44)=2. 97, p=. 9, ? 2=. 06. Figure 1 shows a cross-over interaction in which the two variables almost perfectly interact. My hypothesis stated that women’s scores would be more affected by the test gender and the deception then would the men’s. The results of the tests did not vary according to the gender of the participant or gender of the test. My hypothesis was not supported by the above data. There was, however, a notable factor in the results and the fact that they were similar in score for both genders. Discussion No significant main effect for test gender or participant gender occurred in this study.When taking a math test right after reading a deceitful article about the tendency of males or females to outperform the opposite sex, neither gender’s score seemed to be affected. This particular result is not what I predicted in my original hypothesis. Straying away from my belief that women would underperf orm the men once they were deceived into believing they would be outperformed, the results disproved my hypothesis. This outcome is consistent with the research of Fisher (2008) and Johnston (2005) in finding there is no significant gab in the performance of females and males in the subject of math.The results are not consistent though with those findings by Ghandi (2006) a researcher whose findings state that women do poorly on math when they are told their gender is to blame. Some factors which may have led to the inconsistency between my hypothesis and my results can be attributed to the limitation when conducting this research. Being part of such a small university, my research was very limited in the sample size it could use. Three thousand undergraduate students was a small population to choose just forty eight participants from.This also lead to what I believe was a biased sample since each and every participant was also my friend. The fact that the participants had a relatio nship with me could have caused an over performance level which would not usually happen. Some internal validity which should be looked at was the fact that many variables were simply not recorded. These factors include the race and ethnicity of the participant, whether English was their native language, if they understood the deceiving article in the start, and whether they understood every question asked in the math portion.Another internal validity factor is the way in which data was recorded. If this study were to be repeated, observation should definitely be an alternative way of recording data. There was so much happening as I observed each and every participant complete my study. Participants would get frustrated or smile the whole way through. Sometimes they would try to help each other out when I looked the other way or simply just guessed the answers since they did not want to be taking a math test.Using a standardized that does not give anything in return to these partici pants, should not have been my only source of data since it was not the best way to find results. Regardless of the limitations, new studies and research in the field of gender differences in education have resulted with outcomes very similar to mine. Although my hypothesis was not supported, the consistency it has with the studies of Fisher (2008) and Johnston (2005) only come to show that this study will be supporting much research in the psychology world.My results will be one more way to support the idea that there is little or no difference in gender performance in math. In addition to replicating my results, future research might extend the finding by examining other subjects in the world of education. Expanding the testing to be possibly in language, critical thinking, sciences and also math may give a better understanding on whether there is a discrepancy in women’s performance when they are told they are going to fail. Future research might also want to expand their sample by moving to younger generations in school, possibly in igh school, and older generations in and out of school. By doing so the outcome may result more accurately and allow a better understanding of the prediction. In conclusion, gender performance on standardized math tests do not have a direct link to the subject or the belief that one gender will outperform the other. After testing 48 participants (24 female and 24 male), giving each the same exact standardized math test but deceiving each to think they would outperform or underperform the opposite sex, no gender seemed to truly outperform. Each gender resulted close to equal.The results did not support my hypothesis but it led the way to a new hypothesis and a completely new approach to this study. References Goetz, J. (1996). In Education Expert: Classroom Gender Bias Persists. Cornell Cronicle. Retrieved from http://www. news. cornell. edu/chronicle/96/4. 25. 96/gender. html. Jordan, J (2008) The Myth of Gender Bias in School. Retrieved March 8, 2012. From http://www. parentdish. com/2008/05/20/the-myth-of-gender-bias-in-school/ Fisher, M (2008) Study: No gender differences in math performance. University of Wisconsin-Madison News. Retrieved from http://www. news. wisc. edu/15412Johnston, T (2005) No evidence of innate gender differences in math and science, scholars assert. Stanford University News. Retrieved from http://news. stanford. edu/news/2005/february9/math-020905. html Gandhi, U. (2006) Gender bias in math skills doesn’t add up, scientists say. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from http://www. theglobeandmail. com/news/technology/science/article197902. ece Chapman, A. (2012) Gender bias in education. Research Room. Retrieved from http://www. edchange. org/multicultural/papers/genderbias. html Table 1 Cross over interaction [pic] Appendix Survey questions Male/ Female (circle one)Date of Birth __________ Anticipated graduation year __________ Have you ever taken a standardized test (e xample: SAT) Math questions (standardized test) http://www. majortests. com/sat/problem-solving-test01 1. Of the following, which is greater than ? ? [pic]A. 2/5 [pic]B. 4/7 [pic]C. 4/9 [pic]D. 5/11 [pic]E. 6/13 2. If an object travels at five feet per second, how many feet does it travel in one hour? [pic]A. 30 [pic]B. 300 [pic]C. 720 [pic]D. 1800 [pic]E. 18000 3. What is the average (arithmetic mean) of all the multiples of ten from 10 to 190 inclusive? [pic]A. 90 [pic]B. 95 [pic]C. 100 [pic]D. 105 pic]E. 110 4. A cubical block of metal weighs 6 pounds. How much will another cube of the same metal weigh if its sides are twice as long? [pic]A. 48 [pic]B. 32 [pic]C. 24 [pic]D. 18 [pic]E. 12 5. In a class of 78 students 41 are taking French, 22 are taking German and 9 students are taking both French and German. How many students are not enrolled in either course? [pic]A. 6 [pic]B. 15 [pic]C. 24 [pic]D. 33 [pic]E. 54 6. If f(x) = Â ¦(x? – 50)Â ¦, what is the value of f(-5) ? [pic]A. 75 [pic]B. 25 [pic]C. 0 [pic]D. -25 [pic]E. -75 7. ( v2 – v3 )? = [pic]A. 5 – 2v6 [pic]B. 5 – v6 [pic]C. 1 – 2v6 [pic]D. 1 – v2 pic]E. 1 8. 230 + 230 + 230 + 230 = [pic]A. 8120 [pic]B. 830 [pic]C. 232 [pic]D. 230 [pic]E. 226 [pic] 9. Amy has to visit towns B and C in any order. The roads connecting these towns with her home are shown on the diagram. How many different routes can she take starting from A and returning to A, going through both B and C (but not more than once through each) and not travelling any road twice on the same trip? [pic]A. 10 [pic]B. 8 [pic]C. 6 [pic]D. 4 [pic]E. 2 [pic] 10. In the figure above AD = 4, AB = 3 and CD = 9. What is the area of triangle AEC ? [pic]A. 18 [pic]B. 13. 5 [pic]C. 9 [pic]D. 4. 5 [pic]E. 3

Foodborne Illness Short Answer Questions Essay

Salmonella 1)What is the infectious agent (Pathogen) that causes this infectious disease? The infectious agent (pathogen) that causes salmonella is called salmonella enteriditis. The bacteria is larger than a virus; but, is visible to the eye with the microscope. It is rod-shaped, gram negative, non-motile bacteria that does not form spores. It infects the cell, multiplies within it; then, bursts the cell. Special effector protein factors are required for salmonella intestinal invasion and the induction of fluid secretion and for inflammatory responses. There are about six names species names of it, salmonella enteritidis, and salmonella enteric which cause the human disease. 2)How is this infectious agent transmitted through food or water? Salmonellosis is spread to people by ingestion of Salmonella bacteria that contaminate food. Salmonella is worldwide and can contaminate almost any food type, but outbreaks of the disease have involved raw eggs, raw meat (ground beef and other poorly cooked meats), egg products, fresh vegetables, cereal, pistachio nuts, tomatoes, and contaminated water. The most recent major outbreak in 2010 involved Salmonella-contaminated eggs from several U.S. producers that have caused the recall of over 500 million eggs. Contamination can come from animal or human feces that contact the food during its processing or harvesting. New data about types of food contamination. 3)What is an example of a real life outbreak of this foodborne illness in the United States?

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Humble Foot

The Humble Foot The Humble Foot The Humble Foot By Maeve Maddox For obvious reasons, the word for foot is one of the oldest in the language: O.E. fot, from P.Gmc. *fot (cf. O.N. fotr, Du. voet, Ger. Fuß, Goth. fotus foot), from PIE *pod-/*ped- (cf. Avestan pad-; Skt. pat, acc. padam foot; Gk. pos, Attic pous, gen. podos; L. pes, gen. pedis foot; Lith. padas sole, peda footstep). Like other body parts, foot has found its way into numerous idiomatic expressions. Here are just a few. foot the bill to pay for something, usually for something one would rather not pay for oneself: Ill go to the convention if the company will foot the bill. put your foot in your mouth to say something one regrets immediately (or should!): You put your foot in your mouth with that remark about her hat. have one foot in the grave about to die: When you had the flu, you looked as if you had one foot in the grave. to have itchy feet to have a frequent desire to travel: Hes not a good marriage prospect; he has itchy feet. to get cold feet to feel sudden misgivings about doing something one had planned to do: Its the morning of the wedding and the bride has cold feet. to get off on the wrong footto begin an enterprise by doing something inappropriate: Susie got off on the wrong foot with her old-fashioned boss when she told him she didnt make coffee. to get off on the right foot to start out doing everything right: The new fireman got off on the right foot when he saved that baby. to put ones best foot forward to present oneself at ones best: She bought a new dress and had her hair done because she wanted to put her best foot forward for the job interview. to land on your feet to come through a difficult situation without harm: Dont worry about Jack in this storm. He always lands on his feet. to drag your feet to be reluctant: Stop dragging your feet and mow the grass! to have your feet on the ground to have a practical outlook: His decision to put off the move until hes sure he has the job shows he has his feet on the ground. not to put a foot wrong to do everything according to rule and expectation: Mr. Perfect there never puts a foot wrong with the boss. to have feet that hardly touch the ground to move quickly: On the day of the church picnic, her feet hardly touched the ground. to put ones feet up to relax: Now that youve finished the project, you can put your feet up for awhile. to put ones foot down to take a firm stand: When little Jimmy kicked the dog, his father finally put his foot down. My foot! expression of disbelief: Abner Potts made a perfect score on the SAT? My foot! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What is the Difference Between "These" and "Those"?How to Punctuate Descriptions of Colors"To Tide You Over"

Definition and Examples of Exonyms and Endonyms

Definition and Examples of Exonyms and Endonyms An exonym is a place name  that isnt used by the people who live in that place but that is used by others. Also spelled  xenonym. Paul Woodman has defined exonym as a toponym bestowed from the outside, and in a language from the outside (in Exonyms and the International Standardisation of Geographical Names, 2007).  For example, Warsaw is the English exonym for  the capital of Poland, which the Polish people call  Warszawa.  Vienna is the English exonym for the German and Austrian Wien. In contrast,  a  locally used toponym- that is, a  name used by a group of people to refer to themselves or  their region (as opposed to a name given to them by others)- is called an endonym (or  autonym).  For example,  Kà ¶ln  is a German endonym while  Cologne  is the English  exonym  for  Kà ¶ln. Commentary Europes second-longest river is the Danubethe English exonym for  Donau (in German), Dunaj (in Slovak), and Duna (in Hungarian).Berber  derives from the ultimate exonym  (i.e. a name given by outsiders): the Greek word barbaroi, which mimicked the foreignness of a language by  rendering it as something akin to blah-blah. From it, we get barbarian, as well as Barbary (as in Barbary Coast, Barbary  Pirates, and Barbary apes). In current usage, many exonyms can be considered insensitive (Gypsy, Lapp, Hottentot) and preference is given to the endonym (Roma, Saami, Khoi-San).(Frank Jacobs, All Hail Azawad. The New York Times, April 10, 2012)  [T]he English language exonym Mecca has been shown to be unacceptable to many Arab experts, who are uncomfortable with any alteration to the toponym of the holy place Makkah.(Paul Woodman, Exonyms: A Structural Classification and a Fresh Approach, in Exonyms and the International Standardisation of Geographical Names, ed. by Adami Jordan, et al. LIT Verlag, 2007) Reasons for the Existence of Exonyms - There are three main reasons for the existence of exonyms. The first is historical. In many cases, explorers, unaware of existing place names, or colonizers and military conquerors unmindful of them, gave names in their own languages to geographical features having native names...The second reason for exonyms stems from problems of pronunciation...There is a third reason. If a geographical feature extends over more than one country it may have a different name in each. (Naftali Kadmon, Toponymy- Theory, and Practice of Geographical Names, in Basic Cartography for Students and Technicians, ed. by R. W. Anson, et al. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996)-  English uses relatively few exonyms for European cities, especially ones it has come up with on its own ( not borrowed); this may be explained by geographic isolation. This could also explain the low number of exonyms that other languages use for English cities. (Jarno Raukko, A Linguistic Classification of Eponyms, in Exonyms, ed. by Adami Jordan, et al. 2007) Toponyms, Endonyms, and Exonyms - For a  toponym  to be defined as an  exonym, there must exist a minimum degree of difference between it and the corresponding  endonym... The omission of diacritical marks usually does not turn an endonym into an exonym: Sao Paulo (for So Paulo); Malaga (for Mlaga) or Amman (for Ê ¿AmmÄ n) are not considered exonyms. (United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names,  Manual for the National Standardization of Geographical Names. United Nations Publications, 2006)- If an important topographic feature is located or contained entirely within a single country, most good world atlases and maps print the  endonym  as the primary name, with the translation or conversion into the language of the atlas either in brackets or in smaller type. If a feature transcends political boundaries, and especially if it carries different names in the different countries, or if it lies outside the territorial waters of any one country- exonymisation or translation into the target language of the atlas or map is almost always resorted to. (Naftali Kadmon, Toponymy- Theory, and Practice of Geographical Names, in  Basic Cartography for Students and Technicians, edited by R. W. Anson, et al. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996) Further Reading Name That  -nymNationality WordOnomasticsProper Name

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Control on Nature Essays

The Control on Nature Essays The Control on Nature Essay The Control on Nature Essay Victoria Perez The Control of Nature Response Paper It is an extremely difficult task for engineers to design a â€Å"dam† like the Old River Control Structure in southern Louisiana so that they can be sure that it will prevent avulsion of the Mississippi into the Atchafalaya. The flood of 1973 that caused so much damage to the Old River Control Structure was the affect of many things. There were unusually heavy snows in the upper valley. The South of the state received an exceptional amount of rainfall. Eventually, the runoffs came down to the tributaries, built-up, and ultimately signaled computers a warning that the mainline levees were not adequate to contain the amount of water collected. In a state of panic there were sandbags, potato ridges and barriers of uncompacted dirt added to the levees to try to prevent a flood. During the continued spring high water the collected drainage all came together at Old River in units exceeding two million cubic feet per second. Twenty-five per cent of that left the Mississippi channel and went to the Atchafalaya. Professor Racphael G. Kazmann remembers his experience walking over the structure prior to the flood of 1973. Kazmann recalls, â€Å"That whole miserable structure was vibrating This thing weighs two hundred thousand tons. When two hundred thousand tons vibrates like this, this is no place for R. G. Kazmann. I got in my care, turned around, and hot the hell out of there. † The structure and its stilling basin had been built to disperse energy- but not quite that much energy. The Mississippi delta is subsiding and eroding Deltas are normally slowly increasing in size due to sediment deposited by the river. The slow increase is due to a slight imbalance between sedimentation by the river, and sinking of the delta due to consolidation of deeper sediments. The balance has been upset by the construction of levees and dams along the Mississippi River leading to rapid erosion of the Mississippi River delta in Louisiana. The construction of levees along the lower river that channel water and sediments past New Orleans and out into the Gulf. This has stopped sedimentation throughout the delta, and the delta is now rapidly sinking below sea level. If the levees did not exist the river channel carrying most of the river water would change position, and deposit sediments throughout the delta. The dredging of many canals to provide access to oil and gas wells. The canals help salt water reach further inland, resulting in death of trees and vegetation that stabilizes wetlands. Wind blowing along the canals produces waves that erode the banks. And, storm surges produced by storms travel along canals causing erosion further inland. All areas are not eroded at the same rate during a storm. Some areas have severe erosion during an event. Other areas have much less erosion.